Mon 27 Jan
Free !! Asain doll 😍😍😍❤️❤️If you looking for top Quality Asian girl just arrived ❤️ 614-907-4182 - 20
(Columbus, Top quality Asian doll 24/7 in/outcall)
FLIRTY FRIDAY SPECIALS!! Offering Unlimited Services At Affordable Rates Call/Text Now - 28
(Columbus, east columbus)
***exotic latina beauty casandra**** in marion for tonight/today limited time only!!!!! - 19
(Columbus, marion)
FREE !! Asian doll 😍😍😍❤️❤️If you looking for top Quality Asian girl just arrived ❤️ 614-907-4182 - 20
(Columbus, Super hot Asian 24/7 in/outcall)
Fine as wine....come let me treat you like you should be getting treated - 25
(Columbus, West Columbus)
. . ExOtiC . . . . MiXeD . . . . BuStY. . . . PlAyMaTe. . . . AsS. . . . LoveRs. . . . DrEaM. . - 26
(* DOWNTOWN * ~ ( 24/7 ) ~ * INCALLS *)
•.♥ •°* • :::::::: Exp!osive Fun & Specia!'s All Wednesday_ ::::::: *•.•°* • ___ ♥ - 27
(Columbus, East)
Exotic ** Beauty ** ALYIA ** ask about the**all NIGHT *SPECIAL'S - 25
(Columbus, west side hilliard)
Escort Activities, Fantasy Fullfilments, Fetishes, Domination, Special Services Cited
End of Summer blues..i cn help!! ~avail all day~ 100% reall !! long legs..blond beaut 75in100out - 30
(Columbus, east(incall)anywhere(out))
Double the Pleasure,Double the fun, Seeing Scarlett and Madison must be done - 22
(Columbus, Northside)
👙👠End Y0ur Night🌕 Right ((BubBleb0OtY)) Chocolate🍫Delight 🇸🇴ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ💧 & 🇸🇴ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ👠👙 - 25
(Columbus, {GOOGLE ME }614*500*1596 IN & OUTCALL)
early bird get the worm 80specials incall an outcall - 20
(Columbus, east of Columbus incalls n outcalls)
DON'T MISS THIS TUES. SPECIAL Sexy Solos & Dynamic Duos! Don't Miss This! Call/Text Now - 28
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Don't Miss This~BEST RATE YET~Have a Wild Wed. Night~Sexy Solos & Duos~CALL NOW - 28
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Dont Miss THIS In Call Special ~~50$ half hr. 90$ full hr.~~ --Arianna Aubreanna Athena-- - 30
(Columbus, West-Out Call Availability)
Don't Get ripped off by one price on the phone and one price at the door girls. NO GAMES. - 30
(Columbus, North)
Escort Activities, Fantasy Fullfilments, Fetishes, Domination, and Other Special Services
(columbus surrrounding areas)
DaZZliNg DaHLia~**ChEcK mY ReViEwS!**INCALL and OUTCALL!!!! ;) - 23
(Columbus, southwest INCALL -OUTCALL)
💕💏DoN'T MisS OuT 👉50qv🌹👉📲💌👙DuM ThIcK CraZy WiTh ThAt👅💦💦 Real pic👠💣Badd 👙HaNd's👐 DoWn - 25
(Columbus, IN CALL n OUT CALL)
Escort Activities, Fantasy Fulfillment, Fetish, Special Services & Domination Plus More
Do YoU loVe to Be pleased ? Well I Do Too ! Tall HoT BlONdE ! No games ! Now OUT North ! - 24
(Columbus, In (north) upscale ! Or out to u !)
~•~ Downtown~•~Discounts ~•~ naughtySECRATARY 4 Hire ~•~ LOLLIPOP CHAMP winkWINK ~•~ OUTCALL ONLY ~ - 30
(Columbus, outcall and incall close to osu stadium)
Don't let the rain keep you inside today, come visit your RUSSIAN PRINCESS instead! - 22
(Columbus, NE. Columbus)
{{{{DESIRE}}}√√√√New pictures GREAT LIP SERVICES 💋🍭🍭🍭 - 25
(Columbus, Columbus all surrounding areas)
Don't You Like REAL PHOTOS and A Big Fat Butt? Perky 36C's & Amazing Skillz? I'm Waiting 4 U - 22
(Columbus, *INDEPENDENT* Pics Me Or Our Times Free)
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y $]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y$ *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 22
(Columbus, Brice Rd)
Dont Miss This TASTY THUR.SPECIAL Ultimate Pleasure~ Sexy Solos/Dynamic Duos! Call/Text Now - 28
(Columbus, North Columbus)
❥💋🍒DanGerOuSly ADDICTIVE❥💋🍒T0e CURLING ❥ т🍒ρ ♡ƒ тhє lιηє ❥🍒💋SuPeR sExY❥💋🍒BomBshell ❥ - 25
(Columbus, {GOOGLE ME }614*500*1596 IN & OUTCALL)
Don't Miss My SEXY SATURDAY SPECIALS~ Unlimited Pleasure at Best Rates Yet! Call/Text Now - 28
(Columbus, east columbus)
Don't Get ripped off by one price on the phone and one price at the door girls. True Flat Rate. - 30
(Columbus, North)
D_R_E_A_M_ _G_I_R_L ~ * ~ * ~Perfect*~ ~~ Companion ~~ HOT SPECIALS - 23
(Columbus, 315,33,270 Area)
Curvy ~ Mature ~ BusTy Brown Eyed Brunette!!! $100 incall Specials!!! Andrea's Back!!!! - 32
(Columbus, East incall / outcall within 30 mins!!!!)
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 22
(Columbus, Brice Rd)
Come see what this Blonde Hottie can do to make UR Weekend Extra Special Boys..$75 In-Call Special!! - 28
(Columbus, North Columbus)
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y$ *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 22
(Columbus, Brice Rd)
CoMo TrY yOUR LATINA americana~EsPeCiAleS! LlAmA yA! RoSaLiNdA! - 21
(Columbus, west side/ hilliard)
Deliciously THICK ❤💦 BUSTY +✔ Big Bubble BOOTY 💋 Sensual KISSER 💄 Well Reviewed 💦👍 - 26
(Columbus, {GOOGLE ME }614*500*1596 NORTH INCALL)
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y !]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y!! *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y !]] - 22
(Columbus, Brice Rd)
💦Come play💦🌸👑Sexy mixed freak🌸Specials all night❤available 24/7 - 23
((incalls)west columbus, Columbus)
☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ G¡F†€D ☆erotic massage NOW*˜… - 23
(Columbus, E.Dublin Granville rd)
COME HAVE A THANKSGIVING TREAT-Don't Miss This-Unlimited Pleasure @ Affordable Rate-Call/Text Now - 30
(Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
Daisy 💛💖 - 20
(Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridge, Downtown)
Come See these Big Perky Nipples get Rock Hard !!! ***** DUOS ***** - 43
(Columbus, DUBLIN - Willing to Travel)
Come Have Some SINFUL SUNDAY PLEASURE~Don't Miss This~Avail. All Nite~Text Now - 30
(Columbus, North Columbus)
CoMe EnJoy YouRsElf oN My NevErEndIng PlaYGrouNd 100% Guarantee U will b back for MORE !!! - 24
(Columbus, *INDEPENDENT* Pic ME Or FREE! 2163427271)
come enjoy your evening,and come have a. phenomenal time with chocolate Beauty 6145984408 - 22
Come and have an unforgettable night with Skylar! You will be very entertained! - 28
(Columbus, North Side (Linden Area))