Thu 02 Jan
Always Available 100% Real ★☆★ Big Booty Sexi Kelli ★☆Flirty Friday♥♡♥ Specials ★☆!★☆ - 25
(Columbus, OSU campus area Incall or Outcall to you)
ALL NEW💎I'm Better Then Her👆 && Her👇! Open Minded! - 22
(Dayton, select Incalls/Outcalls 513-275-9925)
$$75 special; 100% legit hott sexy babe!!! *well reviewed* EXCITED and waiting for you! ♥ - 24
100% Real•° o ☎ o° GoRgEoUs •° o ☎ o° SeXy •° o ☎ Spanish •° o - ° o ☎(330) 258-3873 - 22
(Columbus, *****INCALL/OUTCALL*****)
.:.}.:. ~*2 GiRL SpeCiaL!*~ .:.}.: . *Petite & iRReSiSTaBLe* .:.}.:. ~*CoMe -&&- PLaY!*~ .:.}.:. - 21
(Columbus Incall)
10AM---12PM !!$$80•:*• A TRUE •:*• P L E A S E R •:*• 10AM---12PM!! nEVER get this CHANCE AGAIN - 24
(Columbus, Worthington/North COL. IN.)
2ND session FREE.Unrushed & Sensual. Let me show u some secret tricks u will love. 80 KISS SPECIAL - 29
(Columbus, North ( private upscale location ))
✅Petite ✅Blonde ✅Cute ⚘⚘⚘ For the Fantasy Nuru Body to Body Slides ⚘⚘ (Everr lasting Ecstasy) - 24
(Columbus, Off of 161 (North Side) in & out)
MeltDown by the Fire & Enjoy Southern HoSpitality with a PheNoMenal PamperiNista @ Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, ***You Deserve it*** Specials!)
no school classes me today bc of holiday /// specials//Sexxy east indian priya * new photos - 22
(Columbus, safe relaxed incall +++)
Call Mallory for a sensual massage. Allow me to help u forget the stress of today. - 32
(Columbus, west Columbus)
♥ Escape Into Your Fantasies W/ Staci ♥ Nude Erotic Full Body Massages! Call Now! - 22
(Columbus, (Northeast) C/O)
Bee Pretty🌼Relaxed〽️ Slow Sticky Nuru🍯🐝 Splash in My Puddles of Honey💦🏃Bodywork with Real Benefits〽️ - 40
(Columbus, 🍯〽️NEW STUDIO Body🐝Shop Free Manscape!)
BoDyWork by AyAnA* Relaxation and Stress Relief is just a Touch Away;) - 35
(Columbus, HoP on Over 2 My PlaCe;))